The Accommodation Seeker
Sex: |
1 female |
Age range: |
18 to 20 years old |
Occupation: |
Student (<22yrs) |
Are a married couple |
Are a family with children |
Could provide a recommendation from a previous church if asked to |
More about the accommodation seeker:
My name is Beth Tait and I'm 18 years old. I'll be studying Horticulture at SRUC, Kings Buildings.
I'm from East Renfrewshire where I grew up going to church with my family every Sunday and volunteer at the primary age, mid-week club.
My favourite book is Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice which I also like watching the Tv show and movie of. I love reading classics but also romantasy fiction and, when it comes to movies, I'll watch any genre of movie other than horror/thriler. I watch the Six Nations Scotland games every year without fail and enjoy playing team sports like rugby and volleyball. When it comes to food I have a major sweet tooth but also salty popcorn. I love baking for others and trying new vegetarian foods.
The Preferred Household
Max number of members: |
Any number |
Sex: |
Females |
Age range: |
18 to 25 years old |
Occupation: |
Students (<22yrs) |
The owner could be a member |
It could have a married couple |
It could be a family with children |
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