Here are six amazing things about living life with a Christian faith and following Jesus:
1. Experience a fulfilled life of true freedom
Unlike the popular misconception that Christianity is boring and irrelevant, following Jesus is anything but boring. How can following someone who turns water into wine, hangs out with the oppressed, the marginalized and the poor, heals people and raises people from the dead be boring? Some might be of the opinion that being a Christian means following a whole bunch of rules that God has designed merely to rob us of freedom. Instead, God shows us, supremely in Jesus Christ, how to live life to the full. He shows us a way of living life whereby we can find true fulfilment and a way that does not hurt other people. It is a life of true freedom within boundaries. Imagine a football game without rules (boundaries). Players would be “free” to do what they like, but it would be chaos not fun. Only with good rules will the players be free to live up to their true potential, relate to the other players and really enjoy themselves. In Jesus, God demonstrates true wisdom for living life to its fullest.
2. Experience a personal relationship with the living God
Being a Christian is about being in a living relationship with God, the Creator of the whole universe. How awesome is that! The Creator of the whole universe is mindful of you; He cares about you; He loves you and He wants to be reconciled to you in a personal relationship. He wants you to join him in a great adventure.
3. Experience a life of meaning and purpose
Being a Christian is about coming to the profound realisation that we did not merely evolve by chance, but rather we were designed by God for a purpose; to be in a relationship with God and to reflect His image (i.e. reflect God’s love, compassion and justice). God’s image is supremely seen in Jesus Christ. A Christian’s vocation is, therefore, to follow Jesus and reflect his character. Just like Jesus came to serve others rather than being served, a Christian’s life is less focused on oneself and more focused on bring God’s love, compassion, justice and good news of reconciliation to a hurting world.
4. Experience profound forgiveness
Through being reconciled into a right relationship with God, Christians experience complete forgiveness, and will be set free from all guilt. This is similar to being reconciled to someone after an argument, when there has been awkwardness, guilt and regret. Yet the forgiveness that Christians find in God is even greater; it will be as though they had never wronged God: totally forgiven, completely restored and absolutely no guilt. Is there anything you would like to be forgiven for? A slate you would like to wipe clean?
5. Experience a life characterised by hope
Being a Christian is about living with a very real hope. For the fear of death is replaced with the hope of eternal life in heaven, where we will be in a perfect relationship with God. There will be no more sin, no more hunger, no more thirst, no more mourning, no more crying and no more pain.
6. Experience a new start
Being a Christian is about being made new. It is about having a fresh start. It is about changing for the good. Unlike the popular misconception that people cannot change, a Christian is someone who is in the process of being set free from old and destructive habits and is forming new habits, such as: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. For on this adventure with God we slowly become more and more like our Creator, like a child reflecting their parent’s character.
All of this, and much more, is only possible because of God’s gracious love demonstrated in Jesus' life, death, resurrection and ascension, and because of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Christians’ lives are also marked with great humility and thankfulness to their Creator and Saviour, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Would you like to join God in this great adventure? To start again? Some say that coming to faith is like always thinking the world was flat, and then realising it's round.