This advert has been removed by Christian Flatshare
This advert was identified as a spam/scam advert. Its owner, "Tonia J", has been blocked.
Scam adverts are adverts posted for property that may not exist and are likely to have these characteristics:
The landlord will unable to show you the flat (away from town with a convoluted excuse)
The landlord will ask you to send a handsome deposit to hold the flat (which you will not have seen - bad idea)
The landlord will request payment by Western Union (an untraceable money transfer service - also a bad idea)
The landlord will will avoid using the CFS messaging for correspondence, as they know this can be monitored
The landlord will often (not always) avoid telephone contact; they are often in a different country so will sound distant, and often us an "070..." phone number (which is a low-cost international internet phone number) |
Someone placing such an advert will gently pressure/tempt you to send a deposit - advertising great accommodation, in a great location, and saying there are many others waiting to see it - and saying they will hold it for you if you are the first to send a deposit.
Good Landlords...
Conversely, you should expect of landlords (and especially within the church community), that they:
Want to show you the property, so that you can view it and be informed before paying a deposit
To use a normal bank account, which provides traceability
To want to produce documents and agree in writing details of your arrangement
As such, the process should be transparent and straight forwards. Common sense prevails.