Offered ad details

2 bedrooms in a 8 bed house in Denmark Road, London (NW6) - House Share
Room(s): 2 single bedrooms
Monthly price: £455 per bedroom Inc. bills & CT
Would suit: Males or females, Under 35 years old
Date available: Today (logged in 380 days ago)

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The Accommodation

Denmark Road, London (NW6)

Bedrooms available: 2 single bedrooms Monthy price: £455 per bedroom
Total number of bedrooms: 8 Deposit required: £50
Building type: House Price includes:
Available Council Tax Available Bills
Furnishings: Furnished Bills and council tax share: Bills and CT included
Date available: Today
Parking available: Off street
Minimum term:: 12 months
Maximum term: None  
Available Shared lounge area Available Bicycle store Available Washing machine
Available A garden / roof terrace Available Shared broadband Not available Dish washer
Not available Ensuite bathroom Not available A cleaner that visits Not available Tumble dryer

More about the accommodation:

Christian Holt House is a Christian Missional Community situated on the South Kilburn Estate, 5minutes walk from Queens Park Station. CHH seeks to be a community which empowers people to love God and love their neighbour. Its vision is to be a community centred on Jesus, seeking to share his transforming love and good news to those living on the South Kilburn Estate and beyond.

The main way it does this is through partnering with the OK Club, a Christian youth and children’s club on the South Kilburn Estate (next to CHH). Whilst living in CHH, residents are asked to volunteer some of their time to support the ministry and work of the OK Club, for a very affordable rent (which includes food). There are a number of volunteer opportunities, from working with children and young people to helping with the operational running of the club. Priority will be given to residents who can offer their time on a flexible basis - e.g. afternoons or early evenings.

Each year, up to 10 residents, from a variety of backgrounds and working in different contexts, spend a year (and sometimes more) living in CHH.

If you are passionate about your Christian faith and would like the opportunity to learn how to share it effectively in a challenging urban environment through both word and action, living in a community made up of people who share this vision, then CHH could be the place for you.

The Household

Members: 4 males and 2 females
Age range: 18-35 years old
Occupation: Professionals
Not available The owner is a household member
Not available The household has a married couple
Church attended: St Luke’s West Kilburn

More about the household:

Historically the house has had residents from a variety of backgrounds and countries. Residents have been a mixture of students, young professionals and church interns, with a heart for missional living in a challenging urban context.

The Accommodation Would Suit

Sex: Males or females
Age range: Under 35 years old
Occupation: Students, Mature students, Professionals
Not available Would suit a married couple
Not available Would suit a family with children
Available Would suit someone who, if asked, could provide a recommendation from a current or previous church

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Living Room TV Area
Living Room Dining Area
Living Room
Standard Bedroom
Available Bedroom
Available Bedroom
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