Wanted ad details

1 bedroom wanted in 25 miles of Hardman Street, Greater (M3)
Room(s): 1 bedroom (flatshare, palup)
Monthly price: £800 per bedroom
To suit: 1 male, 36-40, professional
Required from: 12 Aug 2024

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The Accommodation Wanted

Location Within 25 miles of Hardman Street, Greater (M3)
Bedrooms required: 1
Price (approx monthly max): £800 per bedroom
Required from: 12 August 2024
Minimum term: None
Maximum term: 6 months
Accommodation type: Flatshare, pal-up
Building type: House or flat

The accommodation must have:

Not available Shared lounge area Not available Washing machine Not available A garden / roof terrace
Not available Bicycle store Not available Dish washer Not available Somewhere to park a car
Not available Ensuite bathroom Not available Tumble dryer

The Accommodation Seeker

Sex: 1 male
Age range: 36 to 40 years old
Occupation: Professional
Not available Are a married couple
Not available Are a family with children
Church attended: Looking for a Church

More about the accommodation seeker:

My name is Patrick, I’m a 38 year old living in Northern Ireland and working in Financial Services. Recently I have thought about the possibility of working from another location in England (Birmingham or Manchester - so I’d like to find a place commutable to any of these cities), which is an option available to me in my job. Working in another location would allow me the experience of living somewhere else, meeting new people and may also provide other career opportunities. I’m looking for somewhere short-term for now (happy to discuss what’s available), purely just to see how my experience goes, and if all goes well, I can look at something more longer term. I'm also flexible with any start date. I’ll travel back and forth from Northern Ireland to any new place fairly regularly during my short-term stay (to check in with my mum who I currently live with in Northern Ireland), so I may only be staying a few days a week and there may be weeks that I’ll not be there at all, but I’m still more than happy to pay the full room price and half all bills for the entire period despite me not using anything for certain periods. I try to live my life consistent with my faith, and it would be great to meet others with faith who try to live their lives by it as well. I don’t attend a particular church, but my faith is always present in everyday life and I read my bible quite a bit. I like gardening (though any new place doesn’t need to have a garden! - I’ve attached a picture of my garden at home :), I do different bits of DIY from time to time (happy to help with bits around the house) and I’ve also recently taken up running. I’d also be happy to do things with any new housemates whether it’s playing board games, visiting places or going out for a night. I can work from home in my role, so it would be nice to have the ability to work from home at any new place, though I can also travel to the office in the city centre if it is within a commutable distance, and work from home more when I am back in Northern Ireland. If you think this setup could work with what you are looking for then we can chat some more.

The Preferred Household

Max number of members: 3
Sex: Mixed household
Age range: 18 to 45 years old
Occupation: Mature students, Professionals
Available The owner could be a member
Not available It could have a married couple
Not available It could be a family with children

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(advert: 13 days old, viewed 62 times)

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