Wanted ad details

2 bedrooms wanted in 15 miles of A47, Birmingham (B7)
Room(s): 2 bedrooms (whole place)
Monthly price: £950 whole place
To suit: 1 male, 1 female, 26-40, professionals
Required from: 30 Aug 2024

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The Accommodation Wanted

Location Within 15 miles of A47, Birmingham (B7)
Bedrooms required: 2
Price (approx monthly max): £475 per bedroom
Required from: 30 August 2024
Minimum term: 12 months
Maximum term: None
Accommodation type: Whole place
Building type: House or flat

The accommodation must have:

Not available Shared lounge area Not available Washing machine Not available A garden / roof terrace
Not available Bicycle store Not available Dish washer Not available Somewhere to park a car
Not available Ensuite bathroom Not available Tumble dryer

The Accommodation Seekers

Sex: 1 male and 1 female
Age range: 26 to 40 years old
Occupation: Professionals
Available Are a married couple
Not available Are a family with children
Available Could provide a recommendation from a previous church if asked to
Church attended: Birmingham City Church
Our church website: https://bcc.life

More about the accommodation seekers:

Hi there, We are a married couple (29f & 36m) seeking a property to rent in the medium to long term. 2-3 bedrooms dependent on budget. We are involved in the leadership in our church, are kind and respectful people. For us, home is a place to rest, recharge and decompress. We are clean, tidy and responsible. We are fairly flexible on location/distance from the city; our priorities being quality of property, comfort and space. Drop us a line if you are looking to rent a whole property to a couple like us. We would not be open to additional tenants being added aside from ourselves. Many thanks & God bless

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(advert: more than 15 days old, viewed 52 times)

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