The Accommodation Seekers
Sex: |
1 male and 1 female |
Age range: |
26 to 30 years old |
Occupation: |
Professionals |
Are a married couple |
Are a family with children |
Could provide a recommendation from a previous church if asked to |
Church attended: |
not attending currently |
More about the accommodation seekers:
Married couple since 2023.
Expecting first baby in March 2025.
We do not earn enough to get a mortgage so even though we wanted out of the rental market it doesn't seem like we have a choice... Hoping God will provide a relatively affordable priced property that will be safe for us and our new baby.
Looking for a clean space, kind landlord(s).
Can provide references.
Looking for all bills included.
Nice walks nearby are a plus, also if dogs would be allowed (we don't have one but would really like too get a Labrador sometime).
Local amenities 10 min drive.
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(advert: more than 15 days old,
viewed 24 times)
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