Offered ad details

1 bedroom in a 3 bed flat in Northcote Street, Cardiff (CF24) - Flatshare
Room(s): 1 single bedroom
Monthly price: £515 per bedroom Inc. bills & CT
Would suit: Male or female, Under 40 years old
Date available: Today (logged in 3 days ago)

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The Accommodation

Northcote Street, Cardiff (CF24)

Bedrooms available: 1 single bedroom Monthy price: £515 per bedroom
Total number of bedrooms: 3 Deposit required: £450
Building type: Flat Price includes:
Available Council Tax Available Bills
Furnishings: Furnished Bills and council tax share: Bills and CT included
Date available: Today
Parking available: Off street
Minimum term:: 10 weeks
Maximum term: None  
Available Shared lounge area Available Bicycle store Available Washing machine
Not available A garden / roof terrace Available Shared broadband Available Dish washer
Not available Ensuite bathroom Not available A cleaner that visits Available Tumble dryer

More about the accommodation:

We are looking for another to join myself (Female, 26) and my flatmate (Female, 26) in my 3 bedroom flat on Northcote St.

It is a ground floor flat with a spacious shared lounge and a separate new kitchen space, as well as a newly renovated bathroom and toilet.

We are looking for someone to join us for a lodging tenancy. The total rent is £515 per month which includes all bills, Wi-Fi and Amazon prime.

One of us is working and the other is a masters student so we would welcome all! We are active members of our churches and upon occasion host events/meetings at our home!

The Household

Members: 2 females
Age range: 26-30 years old
Occupation: Professionals
Available The owner is a household member
Not available The household has a married couple
Church attended: Vineyard

More about the household:

We are a fun loving, Jesus filled household. We enjoy hanging out, watching TV, getting creative, cooking and/or eating, as well as having precious our me time!

The Accommodation Would Suit

Sex: Male or female
Age range: Under 40 years old
Occupation: Student, Mature student, Professional
Not available Would suit a married couple
Not available Would suit a family with children
Available Would suit someone who, if asked, could provide a recommendation from a current or previous church

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(advert: 3 days old, viewed 35 times)

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